As a ministry and mission of this church, we count it a privilege to share many of the resources that God gives us for teaching purposes to advance and enhance God's Kingdom in the earth. You are welcome to free access of these resources. Please utilize them to strengthen your life as well as share them with your family and friends.
Literary Resources
Daily Devotional
There's no better way to engage each day than through the relevant life-changing application of God's Word. These devotions include scriptures and a prayer for each day.
Daily Devotional Translations
Read Pastor Ron's Daily Devotional in many languages including Russian, Hindi, Arabic, and many more.
T Nights
This family aid is designed to facilitate family Bible storytelling time with your children or grandchildren with 52 stories and lesson from God's Word.
A Study of the Miraculous
This series from the archives is a dynamic and timeless truth in how we can partner with God to create an environment where miracles become part of our testimony.
Truth for Today
Join Pastor Ron during breakfast everyday for one month. You will get to hear an amazing word to start your day off right!
30 Steps to a Better You
Joseph learned these 30 steps to success in life. Just like Joseph, you are ready for your next step. And take the next step today.
Web Resources
LifeShape Prayer & Discipleship
Based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, this curriculum is pillared on prayer and discipleship and is comprised of four easy to follow modules divided into 48 lessons.
A searchable database with sermon notes from Pastor Ron Hammonds and other staff pastors containing hundreds of sermons and various sermon series.
Daily Bible Reading
Read the Bible in a year with this daily Bible reading plan.
Audio Resources
Proverb of the Day
Join Pastor Ron for 31 days of wisdom from the Bible as he reads one chapter of Proverbs each day and expands on a principle of life for that day.
Sermon Series by Pastor Ron
Personal Growth and Spiritual Development Material – These series were designed with you in mind. Nothing changes until something changes and your change can start today.