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For more than 30 years I have studiously developed challenging sermons from God‟s Word which are aimed at encouraging others to live a practical life of faith. In addition, I have purposefully encapsulated each sermon‟s central truth in a short, well defined, and memorable statement of fact. Many of these statements were originally authored by me after long hours of prayer and consideration. Others were collected from sources either during my studies or from life experiences. In either case, I believe these statements, along with a brief devotional guide, have the potential to unlock a wealth of wisdom and give direction for your daily life.

If I might add one further word of encouragement, it would be to admonish you to read one chapter in the book of Proverbs each day. (There are 31 chapters coinciding with 31 days in the longest months. On the first day of the month read chapter one, on the tenth day chapter ten, on the 22nd day chapter 22, and so forth. In this way, you will never fail to have a certain place to go from which God can purpose to speak wisdom into your life on a daily basis.) As you read your chapter for the day, choose one principle of wisdom to meditate upon and share its truth with at least one other individual during your daily walk. There is no greater wisdom found elsewhere in the world.

I trust you will enjoy these devotions and I pray God grants you wisdom, knowledge, and peace as you walk according to His Word.
God bless you,

- Ron Hammonds